Browse by Vendor: Oregon Short Line Railroad
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View Ad | Oregon Short Line Railroad | Count: 2 | First Date: 1897-05-15 | Last Date: 1897-06-01 | Special Excursion to Northern Utah, Idaho and
Oregon, Saturday, June 19th, 1897.
Oregon Short Line
At the Following Low Rates:
Brigham $2.25 15 days
Collinston 3.00 15 "
Mendon 3.25 15 "
Logan 3.50 15 "
Smithfield 3.75 15 "
Richmond 4.00 15 "
Franklin 4.25 15 "
Preston 4.50 15 "
Oxford 4.25 15 "
McCammon 5.75 15 "
Bancroft 7.25 30 "
Soda Springs 8.05 30 "
Montpelier 9.60 30 "
Pocatello 7.00 15 "
Blackfoot 8.20 30 "
Idaho Falls 9.50 30 "
Market Lake $10.35 30 days
Dubois 12.05 30 "
Beaver Canon 12.90 30 "
American Falls 8.00 30 "
Minidoka 9.00 30 "
Shoshone 10.00 30 "
Bellevue 12.75 30 "
Hailey 13.00 30 "
Mountain Home 14.50 30 "
Nampa 18.25 30 "
Boise City 19.00 30 "
Caldwell 18.50 30 "
Ontario 20.00 30 "
Payette 20.25 30 "
Weiser 21.00 30 "
Huntington 22.50 30 "
Transit limit of five (5) days in each direction will be
allowed on tickets bearing final limit of thirty (30) days.
Other tickets will be limited to continuous passage in each
Trains for Cache Valley and intermediate points will
leave at 8:00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m., and for all other points
at 7.00 p.m.
S. W. ECCLES, General Traffic Manager.
D. E. BURLEY, Gen’l. Pass, & Tkt. Agt.
View Ad | Oregon Short Line Railroad | Count: 1 | First Date: 1897-09-01 | Last Date: 1897-09-01 | LAST EXCURSION NORTH.
Saturday, September 18th.
Via Oregon Short line, at the following
low rates.
To Rate. Limit.
Brigham $2.25 15 days
Collinston 3.00 15 days
Mendon 3.25 15 days
Logan 3.50 15 days
Smithfield 3.75 15 days
Richmond 4.00 15 days
Franklin 4.25 15 days
Preston 4.50 15 days
Oxford 4.25 15 days
McCammon 5.75 15 days
Bancroft 7.25 30 days
Soda Springs 8.05 30 days
Montpelier 9.60 30 days
Pocatello 7.00 15 days
Blackfoot 8.20 30 days
Idaho Falls 9.50 30 days
Market Lake 10.35 30 days
Dubois 12.05 30 days
Red Rock 15.40 30 days
Spencer (Beaver canyon) 12.90 30 days
Dillon 16.70 30 days
American Falls 8.00 30 days
Minidoka 9.00 30 days
Shoshone 10.00 30 days
Bellevue 12.75 30 days
Hailey 13.00 30 days
Mountain home 14.50 30 days
Nampa 18.25 30 days
Boise City 19.00 30 days
Caldwell 18.50 30 days
Ontario 20.00 30 days
Payette 20.25 30 days
Weiser 21.00 30 days
Huntington 22.50 30 days
Baker City, Or 25.20 30 days
Spokane, Wash 36.50 30 days
Portland, Or 36.50 30 days
Pendleton, Or 30.25 30 days
Proportionately low rates from points
north and south of Salt Lake. Call at
Oregon Short Line ticket office for par-
View Ad | Oregon Short Line Railroad | Count: 1 | First Date: 1897-09-15 | Last Date: 1897-09-15 | CONFERENCE RATES
Via the Oregon Short Line.
To Salt Lake City and return, as fol-
From. Rate.
Huntington (Or.) $3.30
Weiser 22.15
Payete 21.45
Ontario (Or) 21.25
Caldwaell 19.70
Boise 20.75
Meridian 19.75
Nampa 19.25
Orchard 17.60
Moun'n Home 16.50
Glenn's Ferry 15.00
Bliss 13.85
Shoshone 12.40
Ketchum 15.90
Hailey 15.75
Bellvuew 15.05
Kimama 10.80
Minidoka 8.50
Amer'n Falls 8.00
Spencer 12.00
Duboi 11.00
Marke Lake 9.00
Idaho Falls 8.50
Blackfoot 7.40
Ross Fork 7.40
Pocatello 7.00
McCammon 5.75
Downey 5.00
Oxford 4.35
Cannon 4.00
Preston 4.25
Franklin 4.35
Richmon 4.25
Smithfield 4.10
Logan 3.80
Mendon 3.55
Cache Junct'n 3.25
Collinston 2.75
Dewey 2.50
Honeyville 2.25
Brigham 2.00
Willard 1.75
Hot Springs 1.50
Granger 9.60
Opal 9.60
Diamondville 9.50
Ham's Fork 9.25
Fossil 9.00
From. Rate.
Cokeville $8.75
Montpelier 7.75
Soda Springs 7.00
Bancroft 7.00
Ogden 1.50
Caldwell........+ 19.70|Hooper ........ 1.20
Boiae .........---. 20.) Syracuse June 1,i0
Meridian ......- 19.75|Lavton..e. ee 75
Nampa usec 19,.25/K..yoville ...... 60
Orchard .......+. 17.60; Farmington... 50
Moun ’rHome 16 50}Centerville..... 35
Glern’s Ferry. 15.60} Woods Cross. 25
Blise... ccc 13.8h| Murray ......00 25
Shoshone ...... 12.40|Junection ...... 85
Ketchum........ 15.90)Sandy......-.. 50
Halley ......... 15 75| Draper ........... 70
Bellevue... 15,05) Lehi Junce...... 1.20
Kimama....eee . 10.80) Lehi... 1.25
Minidoka ...... 8 50/Amer’n Fork.. 1.35
‘Amer’n Falls. 8 00}Pleas’n' Grove 1.50
Spencer... 12 OvulLake View... 1.70
-Duboi ..........6 11.00FProvo wees 1.90
Marke Lake. 9.00 Springvil'e .... 2.10
Idaho Fa ls.... 8.50/Spanish Fork. 2.25
‘Blackfot ...... 7,.40| Benjamin ...... 2.25
Ross Fork...... 7,25| Payson........... 2.35
‘Pocatello ...... 7,00/Santaquin ..... 2.35
‘McCammon ... 5.7 |Mona ......... 2.50
Downey ........ 5.00) Nephi .........00 3.00
Oxford... 0... 4.25 JUAD...... cereeeene 3.25
Stateline— ‘Leamington... 3.90
CannodD ua... 4,00)Oasis ..... ae. 4.50
Preston, ......-. 4.25/Clear Lake...... 4.75
:Franklin........ 4..5 Black Reck... 5,50
Utah— iSmith’s Ranch 6.00
Richmona...... 4.25|Milford ......... 6.00
Smithfield...... 4.10) Fri CO... ce 6.70
Logan .... ...... 3.60 Eureka ......... 3.25
Mendon......... 355/Irenton ......... 3.25
Cache Junev’n 3.25 /Siiver City... 3.20
Collinston ...... 2.75; Mammoth...... 3.25
DOWey...... eee 2.50; Doremne, ...... 3.60
Honeyville..... 2.25 Rush Valley... 2.59
Brigham......... 2 00| Fairfield... 2,25
Willard .......... 1.75|Cedar Fort..... 1,95
Hot Springs... 1.50/Termwinuus ...... 150
Harrisvi le...... 1 50/Tooele ............ 1.25
W yoming— Erda ...........45 1.10
Granger ......... 9.60|Halfw’y House — .95
Opal wo... ceeeeee 9.60;Lake Poin’..... .80
Diamondviille. 9.50/Garfield......... .75
Ham’s Fork... {.25|/Saliair June. — .60
Fossil 0.0.2... 9.00} Chambers. ...... 50
From Ogden, Nephi, Terminus. Kure-
ka and ali intermediate points, October
2nd to 6th, inclusive, limit Octo! er 12h.
From Harrisville,Cannon and intermedi-
ate points, October 2nd 'o 6tb, inclu-
sive, limit October 15 bh. From all other
sta'ions, Oc ober 2nd to 5th, inclusive,
limit October 15, 1897.
For special trian service see bills.
View Ad | Oregon Short Line Railroad | Count: 6 | First Date: 1898-08-01 | Last Date: 1898-11-01 | OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD
(In Effect July 17, 1898.
Trains arrive and depart at Salt Lake City
daily us follows:
From Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis,
Kansas City, Denver, Park City
and Ogden 3:10 p m
From Helena, Butte, Portland, San
Francisco. Ogden and intermed-
fate points 8:55 a m
From San Francisco, Cache Valley
Ogden and intermediate points. 7:15 p m
From Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis,
Kansas City Denver and Ogden 3:10 a m
*From Frisco, Milford, Sanpete, Pro-
vo, Eureka, Mammoth, Silver
City and intermediate points.... 6:20 p m
†Mixed train from Terminus,
Tooele and Garfield Beach 4:00 p m
For Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Kan-
sas City, St. Louis, Ogden and
Park City 7:00 a m
For San Francisco, Ogden, Cache
Valley and intermediate points. 3:05 a m
For Ogden, Denver, Kansas City
Omaha, St. Louts, Chicago and
intermediate points.............. 6:25 p m
For Ogden, Butte, Helena, Portland
and San Francisco 3:45 p m
*For Mercur, Eureka, Silver City,
Provo, Nephi. Sanpete, Milford,
Frisco and intermediate points 7:30 a m
†Mixed train for Garfield Beach,
Tooele and Terminus 7:45 a m
*Trains south of Juab run daily except
†Daily except Sunday.
No. 200 West Second South street
Telephone No 250.
Railroad and Steamship Tickets on sale
to all parts of the world.
Pullman Palace Car ticket office.
D. E. BURLEY, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent
8. W. ECCLES, General Traffic Manager.
W. H. BANCROFT, Vice-President and Gen. Manager |
View Ad | Oregon Short Line Railroad | Count: 6 | First Date: 1899-04-01 | Last Date: 1899-06-15 | OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD.
From Ogden, Chicago, Omaha, St. Louls, Kansas City
and Denver 3:30 a.m.
From Ogden, Cache Valley, Portland, Butte and San
Francisco 8:55 a.m.
From Ogden, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha and Denver 3:05 p.m.
From Ogden, Cache Valley and San Francisco 7:20 p.m.
**From Frisco, Milford, Sanpete and intermediate
points 9:35 a.m.
From Tintic, Mercur and intermediate points 6:30 p.m.
*From Tooele and Terminus 6.00 p.m.
For Ogden, Park City, Omaha, Chicago, Denver, Kan-
eas City and St. Louis 7.00 a.m.
For Ogden, Cache Valley and intermediate points 8:00 a.m.
**For Tintic, Mercur and intermediate points 7:30 a.m.
For Ogden, Denver, St. Louis, Chicago, San Francisco 6:40 p.m.
For Ogden, Butte, Port'and, San Francisco 9:45 a.m.
**For Provo, Sanpete, Milford and Frisco 5:30 p.m.
*For Tooele and Terminus 7:45 p.m.
**Trains south of Juab do not run Sundays
*Daily except Sunday.
City Ticket Office Under Masonic Hall,
Second South Street.
S. W. ECCLES, Gen. Traffic Manager.
D. E. BURLEY, Gen, P. and T. Agent.
W. H. BANCROFT. Vice President and Gen’l Manager.
View Ad | Oregon Short Line Railroad | Count: 6 | First Date: 1899-11-01 | Last Date: 1900-01-15 | OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD.
Time Table in Effect October 15, 1899.
Trains will arrive and depart at Salt Lake City daily as foL-
From Ogden, Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis and Denver, 3:30 a.M
From Ogden, Portland, Butte, Helena and San Fran-
cisco 9:05 a.m.
*From Milford, Sanpete, Provo and Intermediate
points 9:35 a.n
From Ogden, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Denver and
San Francisco... 3:00 p.m.
**From Garfield Beach, Tooele and Terminus 4:00 p.m.
From Tintic and Mercur 6:30 p.m.
Cache Valley Express, from Preston, Logan, Ogden
and intermediate points 6:40 p.m.
From Ogden, Butte, San Francisco and intermediate
points 7:50 p.m.
For Ogden, Omaha, Chicago, Denver, St. Louis and
Cache Valley 7:00 a.m.
For Tintic and Mercur 7:55 a.m.
**For Garfield Beach, Tooele and Terminus 7:45 a.m.
For Ogden, Butte, Helena, Portland and intermediate
points 9:45 a.m.
For Ogden, Omaha, Chicago, Denver, St. Louis and
San Francisco 11:45 a.m.
*For Provo, Sanpete, Milford and intermeediate points 5:30 p.m.
For Ogden, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis and Chicago 6.40 p.m.
For Ogden, Butte, San Francisco and intermediate
points 8:45 p.m.
*Trains south of Juab do not run Sundays.
**Daily except Sunday.
City Ticket Office Under Masonic Hall, 2nd South St.
S. W. ECCLES, Gen. Traffic Manager
D. E. BURLEY, Gen. P. nd T. A.
W.H. T. BANCROF, Vice-President and Gen’l Manager. |
View Ad | Oregon Short Line Railroad | Count: 26 | First Date: 1900-02-15 | Last Date: 1902-01-01 | The Most Convenient Local Train Service
in the State is given by the.....
FIVE Fast Daily Trains Each Way between
Salt Lake City and Oqden...,..
See that your tickets read via the
And Get the best.
CITY TICKET OFFICE for tickets to all points, 100 West
Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Gen’l Tfc. Mgr. G.P.& T.A
View Ad | Oregon Short Line Railroad | Count: 1 | First Date: 1901-08-01 | Last Date: 1901-08-01 | EXCURSION NORTH.
Saturday, August 24th, 1901.
Via the Oregon Short Line, at the
following rates:
To Limit Days.
Brigham $235 15
Collingston 3.15 15
Mendon 3.55 15
Logan 3.50 15
Smithfield 4.10 15
RIchmond 4.25 15
Franklin 4.25 15
Preston 4.50 15
Oxford 4.30 15
McCammon 5.80 15
Bancroft 7.30 30
Soda Springs 8.10 30
Montpelier 9.65 30
Blockfoot 8.20 30
Pocatello 7.00 15
Idaho Falls 9.50 30
Rigby 10.25 30
St. Anothony 11.40 30
To Limit Days.
Rexburg $10.85 30
Market Lake 10.35 30
Dubois 12.00 30
Spencer 12.65 30
Am'n Falls 8.00 30
Minidoka 9.00 30
Shoshone 10.00 30
Bellevue 12.75 30
Hailey 13.00 30
Ketchum 13.50 30
Mt. Home 14.50 30
Nampa 18.25 30
Boise City 19.00 30
Caldwell 18.50 30
Ontario 20.00 30
Payette 20.25 30
Weiser 21.00 30
Huntington 22.50 30
Proportionately low rates from other
points in Utah.
Trains for Cache Valley leave at 7
a. m.
For points east of McCammon, 10:50
p. m., and for all other points at 9:45
a. m. ‘and 10:50 p. m.
Trains on Wood. River branch will
run Sunday, August 25th.
City ticket office, 201 Main street.