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Browse by Year: 1895

Found 11 advertisements

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View Ad R. K. Thomas Count: 17 First Date: 1895-01-01 Last Date: 1895-12-15
R. K. THOMAS 26, 28, 30. and 32 East 1st South St., SALT LAKE CITY. The Leading Retail Cash House. R.K.THOMAS
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 2 First Date: 1895-01-01 Last Date: 1895-02-01
Visit the Folks. FOR the Holiday season the Union Pacific. will sell tickets from points on the system on December 24th, 25th and 31st, 1894, and January 1st, 1895, at greatly re- duced rates. For full information call on nearest Union Pacific Agent.
View Ad Woman's Co-operative Institution Count: 8 First Date: 1895-01-01 Last Date: 1895-10-01
Woman's Co-operative Inst'n Keeps on Hand DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, FANCY ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, EQUI- POISE WAISTS, ETC. Dress Waking in all its branches, Millinery, lates styles, Hats and Bonnets cleaned and retrimmed No. 41 S WEST TEMPLE STREET Opp. Grant Bro. Stable
View Ad Maggie C. Shipp Count: 3 First Date: 1895-04-01 Last Date: 1895-09-01
DR. MAGGIE C. SHIPP WILL commence her next class in Ob- stetrics and Nursing on Monday, Oct. 14th. Tuition $50.00 Residence 238 East, 4th South. Telephone 383.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1895-04-01 Last Date: 1895-04-01
CONFERENCE RATES, Via Union Pacific System. Special Rates to Salt Lake City for the Sixty-fifth Annual Conference, April 4th to 7th, 1895, will be made by the Union Pacific, as follows: From. Rate. Laramie, $23.75 Carben, 19.60 Rawlins, 15.50 Rock Springs, 9.75 Green River, 8.95 Granger, 7.75 Carter, 6.60 Evanston, 4.60 Almy, 4.50 Park City, 2.00 Wanship, 2.00 Coalville, 2.00 Echo, 2.00 Morgan, 2.00 Peterson, 1.75 Uintab, 1.50 Ogden, 1.50 Hooper, 1.20 Syracuse Jun., 1.10 Layton, .90 Kaysville, .80 Farmington, .60 Lake Shore, .50 Centreville, .35 Woods Cross, .2 Simpkins, .25 Terminus, 1,50 Tooele, 1.20 Erda, 1.10 Lake Point, .80 Garfield, .75 Opal, 9.60 Ham’s Fork, 9.60 Cokeville, 9.60 Montpelier, 9.60 Soad Springs, 8.05 Minidoka, 8.50 Shoshone, 12.4 Hailey, 15.25 Ketchum, 15.90 Beaver Canon, 12.90 Market Lake, 10.35 Idaho Falls, 9.50 Blackfoot, 8.20 Pocatello, 7.00 From. Rate. McCammon, 5.75 Downey, 5.00 Oxford, 4.25 Cannon, ter. lin 4,00 Preston, Idaho, 4.25 Franklin, " 4.25 Richmond, 4.25 Smithfield, 4.10 Logan, 3.80 Mendon, 3.55 Cache Junction 3.25 Collinston, 2.75 Dewey, — 2.50 Honeyville 2.25 Brigham, 2.00 Willard, 1.75 Hot Springs, 1.50 Harrisville, 1.50 Frisco, 8.00 Milford, 6.50 Black Rock, 6,00 Clear Lake, 5.50 Oasis, 4.75 Lemmington, 4.00 Juab, 3.25 Nephi, 3.00 Santagnin, 3.25 Payson, 2.35 Benjamin, 2.25 Spanish Fork, 2,25 Springville, 2.10 Provo, 1.90 Lake View, 1.70 Pleasant Grove, 1.50 American Fork, 1.35 Lehi, 1 2 Lehi Junction, 1.20 Draper, .70 Sandy, .50 Junction, 85 Lovendahl’s .30 Germania, .25 Murray, .25 Eureka, 3.25 Silver City, 3.25 Fairfield, 2.25 Cedar Fort, 1.95 Selling dates.—From Ogden, Santa- quin and intermediate points, April 4th to 7th inclusive, good for return until April 12th, and from all other points April 3rd to 7th good for return until April 15th, 1895. Special trains will be run from Cache Valley, Ogden, Park City, Juab and all intermediate points. See bills for time of trains. D. E. BURLEY, General Agent Salt Lake.
View Ad Lizzie H. Shipp Count: 2 First Date: 1895-04-15 Last Date: 1895-05-01
Salt Lake School Of Obstetrics and Nursing. A NUMBER of students from this school passed examinations before the Utah Medical Board of Examiners on the first of January and received licenses to practice Obstetrics. Mrs. Lizzie H. Shipp will com- mence a Summer Class on the sixth of May in the Fourteenth Ward Relief Society Hall. The terms for entire course is ten dollars. Books six dollars. Those desir- ing further information address 34 S. 7 East St.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1895-06-01 Last Date: 1895-06-01
Excursion to Provo, JUNE 18, 19 & 20, Via UNION PACIFIC, On above dates Union Pacific will sell round trip tickets to Provo at $1.90, good for return until June 22nd, 1895.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 2 First Date: 1895-06-15 Last Date: 1895-07-01
Excursion Rates July 4th. Via the UNION PACIFIC. July 3rd and 4th the Union Pacific will sell excursion tickets to any point. within 300 miles at one fare, good returning until July 5th.
View Ad Romania Pratt Count: 6 First Date: 1895-07-15 Last Date: 1895-10-15
CLASS IN MIDWIFERY. Dr. R. B. Pratt, specialist in eye and ear and midwifery, office 75 F. street, Salt Lake City, (Deseret Hospital is closed) com- mences Class in midwifery October 9, 1895. Write for particulars.
View Ad Ellis R. Shipp Count: 3 First Date: 1895-09-01 Last Date: 1895-10-15
Ellis R. Shipp, M.D. Practitioner and Instructor in OBSTETRICS & NURSING. Her next term will begin October 21, 1895, at her office, 18 Main. Street, with greatly im- proved facilities for instruction in this impor- tant branch of education. Special terms given to societies sending students. For full particulars inquire personally or by letter to ELLIS R. SHIPP, 18 Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah.
View Ad Woman's Co-operative Institution Count: 1 First Date: 1895-10-15 Last Date: 1895-10-15
Woman's Co-operative Inst' Keeps on Hand DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, FANCY ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. BOOKS AND STATIONARY, EQUI- POISE WAISTS, ETC. Dress Making in all its branches, Millinery, latest styles Hates and Bonnets cleaned and retrimmed No. 44 S. MAIN STREET Opp. Zion's Co-op. Mer. Inst'n