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View Ad Spencer House Count: 10 First Date: 1884-03-15 Last Date: 1884-09-15
SPENCER HOUSE. We are so often spoken to in reference to a good house to stop at by strangers visiting our city, as also by our people from the settlements, that we take pleasure in recommending the “Spencer House” as thoroughly respectable, clean and pleasant. The table has long borne the reputation of not being excelled; the grounds are the largest of any hotel grounds in the city, which, with its extensive lawns and abundant shade trees, make it pre-eminently a most inviting resort for tourists—prices are reasonable. This house is situated on Post Office Block 1st East, between 2nd and 3rd South, Nos. 251 and 252.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 41 First Date: 1889-08-01 Last Date: 1891-05-01
View Ad Rio Grande Western Railway Count: 23 First Date: 1891-11-15 Last Date: 1892-11-01
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1893-12-01 Last Date: 1893-12-01
CHRISTMAS AND NEW. YEAR'S HOLIDAYS. Excursions via Union Pacific. For the Holidays the Union Pacific will sell excursion tickets at rate of one fare for the round trip to any point in Utah, also to any point on the Union Pacific System outside of Utah within distance of 250 miles, and to all points in Colorado. Tickets to be sold Dec. 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 and Jan. 1, good for return until Jan. 4. Tick ets sold to Colorado points will be good for return until Jan. 15.
View Ad Garfield Beach Trains Count: 7 First Date: 1894-05-15 Last Date: 1894-09-01
GARFIELD BEACH TRAINS. Commencing May 31st Trains between Salt Lake and Garfield will run as follows: Leave Salt Lake: Arrive Salt Lake: *7:15 a. m. 12:40 p. m. 10:20 " *4:00 " 2:00 p. m. 4:40 " 3:00 " 6:10 " †6:30 " †10:10 " *Daily except Sunday. †Daily except Monday. Olsen's Orchestra in attendance every afternoon and evening. Fare round trip 50c. S H. H. Clark, Oliver W. Mink, D E. Burley E. Elley Anderson, GEN. AGT PASS. DPET. John W. Doane, Frederic R. Coudert Receivers Hho Car D E. BURLEY pe MAO Mood Gen Acar Pass. Deer Peay | berg a
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1894-09-15 Last Date: 1894-09-15
SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES, VIA THE UNION PACIFIC To Salt Lake City, for the Ter- r orial Fair and Sixty-fifth Semi-Annual General Conference Oc- tober 2nd to 7th For above occasions the UNION PACIFIC with sell Excursion Tickets at the following, rates, to Salt Lake City and return: From. Rate. WYOMING. Laramie, $23.75 Medicine Bow, 20.15 Carbon, 19.60 Rawlins, 15.50 Rock Springs, 9.75 Green River, 8.95 Granger, 7.75 Carter, 6.60 Hilliard, 5.05 Evanston, 4.60 Almy, 4.50 UTAH Wahsatch, 4.10 Castle Rock, 3.75 Park City, 2.50 Wanship, 2.50 Coalville 2.50 Echo, 2.50 Weber, 2.25 Peterson, 1.75 Uintall 1.50 Ogden, 1.50 Hooper, 1.20 Syracuse Junction 1.10 Layton, .90 Kavsville, .80 Farmington, .60 Lake Shore, .50 Centreviile, .35 Woods Cross, .25 Terminus, 1.50 Tooele, 1.20 Erda, 1.10 Halfway House, .95 Lake Point, .80 Garfield, .75 Saltair Junction, .60 Chambers, .50 Jordan, .35 WYOMING. Opal, 9.60 Fossil, 9.60 Ham’s Fork, 9.60 Cokeville, 9.60 IDAHO Montpelier, 9.60 Soda Springs, 8.05 Bancroft, 7.25 American Falls, 8.00 Minidoka, 8.50 Kimama, 10.80 Shoshone, 12.40 Beaver Canyon, 12.90 Dry Creek, 12.05 From. Rate. From. Rate. IDAHO. Market Lake, 10.35 Idaho Falls, 9.50 Blackfoot, 8.20 Pocatello, 7.00 McCammon, 5.75 Oxford, 4.25 Garner, 4.25 Card, 4,25 Cannon, Ter.Line, 4.50 Preston, Idaho, 4.25 Franklin, “ 4.25 UTAH Richmond, 4.25 Smithfield, 4.10 Logan, 3.80 Mendon, 3.55 Cache Junction, 3.25 Calvin, 3.00 Collinston, 2.75 Dewey, 2.50 Honeyville, 2.25 Brigham, 2.00 Willard, 1.75 Hot Springs, 1.50 Harrisville, 1.50 Frisco, 7.50 Milford, 6.50 Smith’s Ranch, 6.25 Black Rock, 6.00 Oasis, 4.75 Lemmington, 4.00 Juab, 3.25 Nephi, 3.10 Mona, 2.50 Santiquin 2.35 Payson, 2.35 Benjamin, 2.25 Spanish Fork, 2.25 Springville, 2.10 Provo, 1.90 Lake View, 1.70 Pheasant Grove, 1.50 American Fork, 1.30 Lehi, 1.25 Lehi Junction, 1.20 Draper, .70 Sandy, .50 Junction, .35 Lovendahl’s, .30 Germania, .20 Francklyn, .25 Eureka, 3.25 Ironton, 3.25 Silver City, 3.25 Mammoth, 3.25 Doremus, 3.00 Rush Valley, 2.50 Fairfield. 2.25 Cedar Fort, 1.95 SELLING DATES—From all points, October 2nd to 7th inclusive, good for return until October 15th D. E. BURLEY, Gen'l Agent Passenger Dept.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 3 First Date: 1894-12-15 Last Date: 1895-02-01
Visit the Folks. FOR the Holiday season the Union Pacific. will sell tickets from points on the system on December 24th, 25th and 31st, 1894, and January 1st, 1895, at greatly re- duced rates. For full information call on nearest Union Pacific Agent.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1895-04-01 Last Date: 1895-04-01
CONFERENCE RATES, Via Union Pacific System. Special Rates to Salt Lake City for the Sixty-fifth Annual Conference, April 4th to 7th, 1895, will be made by the Union Pacific, as follows: From. Rate. Laramie, $23.75 Carben, 19.60 Rawlins, 15.50 Rock Springs, 9.75 Green River, 8.95 Granger, 7.75 Carter, 6.60 Evanston, 4.60 Almy, 4.50 Park City, 2.00 Wanship, 2.00 Coalville, 2.00 Echo, 2.00 Morgan, 2.00 Peterson, 1.75 Uintab, 1.50 Ogden, 1.50 Hooper, 1.20 Syracuse Jun., 1.10 Layton, .90 Kaysville, .80 Farmington, .60 Lake Shore, .50 Centreville, .35 Woods Cross, .2 Simpkins, .25 Terminus, 1,50 Tooele, 1.20 Erda, 1.10 Lake Point, .80 Garfield, .75 Opal, 9.60 Ham’s Fork, 9.60 Cokeville, 9.60 Montpelier, 9.60 Soad Springs, 8.05 Minidoka, 8.50 Shoshone, 12.4 Hailey, 15.25 Ketchum, 15.90 Beaver Canon, 12.90 Market Lake, 10.35 Idaho Falls, 9.50 Blackfoot, 8.20 Pocatello, 7.00 From. Rate. McCammon, 5.75 Downey, 5.00 Oxford, 4.25 Cannon, ter. lin 4,00 Preston, Idaho, 4.25 Franklin, " 4.25 Richmond, 4.25 Smithfield, 4.10 Logan, 3.80 Mendon, 3.55 Cache Junction 3.25 Collinston, 2.75 Dewey, — 2.50 Honeyville 2.25 Brigham, 2.00 Willard, 1.75 Hot Springs, 1.50 Harrisville, 1.50 Frisco, 8.00 Milford, 6.50 Black Rock, 6,00 Clear Lake, 5.50 Oasis, 4.75 Lemmington, 4.00 Juab, 3.25 Nephi, 3.00 Santagnin, 3.25 Payson, 2.35 Benjamin, 2.25 Spanish Fork, 2,25 Springville, 2.10 Provo, 1.90 Lake View, 1.70 Pleasant Grove, 1.50 American Fork, 1.35 Lehi, 1 2 Lehi Junction, 1.20 Draper, .70 Sandy, .50 Junction, 85 Lovendahl’s .30 Germania, .25 Murray, .25 Eureka, 3.25 Silver City, 3.25 Fairfield, 2.25 Cedar Fort, 1.95 Selling dates.—From Ogden, Santa- quin and intermediate points, April 4th to 7th inclusive, good for return until April 12th, and from all other points April 3rd to 7th good for return until April 15th, 1895. Special trains will be run from Cache Valley, Ogden, Park City, Juab and all intermediate points. See bills for time of trains. D. E. BURLEY, General Agent Salt Lake.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1895-06-01 Last Date: 1895-06-01
Excursion to Provo, JUNE 18, 19 & 20, Via UNION PACIFIC, On above dates Union Pacific will sell round trip tickets to Provo at $1.90, good for return until June 22nd, 1895.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 2 First Date: 1895-06-15 Last Date: 1895-07-01
Excursion Rates July 4th. Via the UNION PACIFIC. July 3rd and 4th the Union Pacific will sell excursion tickets to any point. within 300 miles at one fare, good returning until July 5th.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1896-03-15 Last Date: 1896-03-15
UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES To Salt Lake City. FOR CONFERENCE, April 4th, 5th and 6th VIA THE UNION’ PACIFIC. Wyoming. FROM. RATE. Laramie $23.75 Carbon 19.60 Rawlins 15.50 Rock Springs 9.75 Green River 8.95 Evanston 4.60 Almy 4.50 Utah Wasatch 4.10 Park City 2.50 Wanship 2.50 Coalville 2.50 Echo 2.50 Morgan 2.25 Peterson 1.75 Uintah 1.50 Hooper 1.20 Syracuse Jct'n 1.10 Layton .75 Kaysville .60 Farmington .50 Lake Shore .40 Centerville .35 Woods Cross .25 Simpkins .25 Terminus 1.50 Tooele 1.20 Erda 1.10 Halfway house .95 Lake Point .80 Garfield .75 Saltair Junc'n .60 Chambers .50 Diamondville 9.60 Cokeville 9.60 Idaho. Montpelier 8.50 Soda Springs 7.00 Bancroft 7.00 American Falls 8.00 Minidoka 8.50 Shoshone 12.40 Bellevuew 15.05 Hailey 15.25 Ketchum 15.90 Beaver Canyon 12.00 Dubois 11.00 Market Lake 9.00 Idaho Falls 8.50 Blackfoot 7.40 Pocatello 7.00 McCammon 5.75 Downey 5.00 FROM. RATE. Oxford 4.25 Garner 4.25 Card 4.25 Terr. Line Cannon 4.00 Idaho. Preston 4.25 Franklin 4.25 Utah. Richmond 4.25 Smithfield 4.10 Logan 3.80 Mendon 3.55 Cache Junct'n 3.25 Calvin 3.00 Collinston 2.75 Dewey 2.50 Honeyville 2.25 Brigham 2.00 Willard 1.75 Hot Springs 1.50 Harrisville 1.50 Frisco 7.00 Milford 6.00 Smith's Ranch 6.00 Black Rock 5.75 Clear Lake 5.25 Oasis 4.5 Lemmington 3.90 Juab 3.25 Nephi 3.00 Mona 2.50 Santaquin 2.35 Payson 2.35 Benjamin 2.25 Spanish Fork 2.25 Springville 2.10 PRovo 1.90 Lake View 1.70 Pleasant Gr've 1.50 Am. Fork 1.35 Lehi 1.25 Lehi Junction 1.20 Draper .70 Sandy .50 Junction .35 Lovendahl's .30 Germania .25 Murray .25 Eureka 3.25 Ironton 3.25 Silver City 3.25 Mammoth 3.25 Doremus 3.00 Rush Valley 2.50 Fairfield 2.25 Cedar Fort 1.95 Selling dates—From Ogden, Santa- quin and points on Utah & Nevada and Salt Lake & Western branches and intermediate points, April 3rd to 6th, good returning until April 12th, and from all other points April 2nd to 6th inclusive; good returning until April 15th. Special trains will be run from Ogden and Juab and - intermediate points, and on the Utah & Nevada. For time see posters. D. E. BURLEY, Gen’l Agent Pass Dept.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1896-05-01 Last Date: 1896-05-01
ONLY $40.50. TO LETHBRIDGE, CANADA AND RETURN. May 18th the Union Pacific will run a special excursion Salt Lake to Lethbridge, Canada, the nearest railroad point to Cardston. Tickets good returning 30 days.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1896-05-01 Last Date: 1896-05-01
CARDSTON, ALBERTA, CANADA. SPECIAL EXCURSION. May 18th, the Union Pacific will run a special excursion Salt Lake to Lethbridge, Canada, the nearest railroad point to Cardston, Canada. Fare for the round trip only $40 50. Tickets good returning 30 days.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 2 First Date: 1896-06-01 Last Date: 1896-06-01
UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE WORLD'S PICTORIAL LINE. WHEN YOU THINK OF GOING EAST Will you please also think of the Perfect Passenger Service offered you by THE UNION PACIFIC FROM SALT LAKE TO DENVER 23 hours, 3 hours quicker than any other line. OMAHA, 32 3/4 hours, 11 hours quicker than any other line. ST. PAUL, 47 1/4 hours, 12 hours quicker than any other line. CHICAGO, 47 3/4 hours, 12 hours quicker than any other line. ST. LOUIS, 47 1/2 hours, 11 hours quicker than any other line. THROUGH TRAINS CARRY Pullman dining cars (a-la- carte), Pullman Palace Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Pullman Buffet Library and Smoking Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Elegant Day Coaches. Leaving Salt Lake City at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. every day in the year. City Ticket OFFICE 201 Main STREET. D. E. BURLEY, G. A. P. D, D. S. TAGGART, T. P. A.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 4 First Date: 1896-07-01 Last Date: 1896-09-01
LOW RATES TO THE EAST. Your attention is directed to the exceptionally law rates in effect this coming season to nearly every prominent point in the East. Never before has such an excellent opportunity been afforded for a summer Vacation Tour, or for visiting friends in the East. We mention below a few of the places to which greatly reduced rates have been made. The UNION PACIFIC is the line that will give you the best service to any of these points. Chicago, IL, July 7. Rate—One fare for the round trip. Buffalo NY, July 7-11. Rate—One fare for the round trip plus $2.00. Washington. D.C. July 7-13. Rate—One far for the round trip. Milwaukee, Wis., July 16-19. Rate One fare for the round trip. Omaha, Neb. July 21-24. Rate One and one-third fare on certificate plan. St. Louis, Mo., July 22. Rate—One fare for the round trip. Omaha, Neb., August 16-24. Rate—One fare for the round trip. Cleveland, Ohio, August 23-30. Rate—(Probably) one fare for the round trip. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 25-27. Rate—One fare for the round trip. St. Paul, Min., September 1-4. Rate—One fare for the round trip (in some cases less). For full information as to dates of sale and limit of tickets, time of trains, etc. call an CITY TICKET OFFICE 201 MAIN STREET, D. E. BURLEY, G. A., P. D. D. S. TAGGART, T. P. A.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 15 First Date: 1897-04-01 Last Date: 1898-01-01
UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE WORLD'S PICTORIAL LINE The People's Favorite Trains leave and arrive Salt Like City as fol- lows. (In effect March 16, 1897): DEPART. "The Overland Limited" for Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City, Denver and Park City 7:00 a.m. "The Fast Mail," for Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver 6:25 p.m. From three to twelve hours quicker to all above points than any other line. ARRIVE: "The Overland Limited," from Chi- cago, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City, Denver and Park City 3 p.m. "The Fast Mail," from Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver O a.m. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 201 MAIN ST. Telephone No. 665. The only line operating Through Pullman Palace Sleepers, Library, Buffet Smoker, Dining Cars, Tourist Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars. S. H. H. CLARK, OLIVER W. MINK, E. ELLERY ANDERSON, JOHN W. DOANE, FREDERICK R. COUDERT, Receivers. E. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. Agt. E. DICKENSON, Gen. Manager. H. M. CLAY, General Agent. +i ine seueeebebeeebetseneneseesesatataralesetase las ebaralevel ara se late talalelsalslalsalbalslstabavelslslslselabale| uur r
View Ad L. J. Kyes Count: 1 First Date: 1897-05-01 Last Date: 1897-05-01
ARE YOU GOING EAST THIS SUMMER? If so you will receive some valuable infor- mation by calling upon or addressing L. J. Kyes, Ticket Agent U.P. Ry., No. 201 South Main Street.
View Ad Oregon Short Line Railroad Count: 2 First Date: 1897-05-15 Last Date: 1897-06-01
Special Excursion to Northern Utah, Idaho and Oregon, Saturday, June 19th, 1897. VIA THE Oregon Short Line At the Following Low Rates: TO RATE LIMIT TO RATE LIMIT Brigham $2.25 15 days Collinston 3.00 15 " Mendon 3.25 15 " Logan 3.50 15 " Smithfield 3.75 15 " Richmond 4.00 15 " Franklin 4.25 15 " Preston 4.50 15 " Oxford 4.25 15 " McCammon 5.75 15 " Bancroft 7.25 30 " Soda Springs 8.05 30 " Montpelier 9.60 30 " Pocatello 7.00 15 " Blackfoot 8.20 30 " Idaho Falls 9.50 30 " TO RATE LIMIT Market Lake $10.35 30 days Dubois 12.05 30 " Beaver Canon 12.90 30 " American Falls 8.00 30 " Minidoka 9.00 30 " Shoshone 10.00 30 " Bellevue 12.75 30 " Hailey 13.00 30 " Mountain Home 14.50 30 " Nampa 18.25 30 " Boise City 19.00 30 " Caldwell 18.50 30 " Ontario 20.00 30 " Payette 20.25 30 " Weiser 21.00 30 " Huntington 22.50 30 " Transit limit of five (5) days in each direction will be allowed on tickets bearing final limit of thirty (30) days. Other tickets will be limited to continuous passage in each direction. Trains for Cache Valley and intermediate points will leave at 8:00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m., and for all other points at 7.00 p.m. S. W. ECCLES, General Traffic Manager. D. E. BURLEY, Gen’l. Pass, & Tkt. Agt.
View Ad Garfield Beach Trains Count: 3 First Date: 1897-06-15 Last Date: 1897-08-15
Garfield Beach Time Card in Effect June 15th. Leave Salt Lake. *7:45 a.m. 10:15 a. m. 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. *Daily except Sunday Arrive Garfield. *8:45 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 2:55 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 7:40 p.m. Leave Garfield, 12:25 p.m. *3:10 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Arrive Salt Lake 1:05 p.m. *4:00 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 7:40 p.m. 9:40 p.m. Olsen's orchestra every afternoon and evening. Boating, bathing and dancing. Fare 50c. Depot corner First South and Fourth West. City ticket office under Masonic hall, corner Second South and West Temple streets. D. E. BURLEY, G. P. & T. A.
View Ad Oregon Short Line Railroad Count: 1 First Date: 1897-09-01 Last Date: 1897-09-01
LAST EXCURSION NORTH. Saturday, September 18th. Via Oregon Short line, at the following low rates. To Rate. Limit. Brigham $2.25 15 days Collinston 3.00 15 days Mendon 3.25 15 days Logan 3.50 15 days Smithfield 3.75 15 days Richmond 4.00 15 days Franklin 4.25 15 days Preston 4.50 15 days Oxford 4.25 15 days McCammon 5.75 15 days Bancroft 7.25 30 days Soda Springs 8.05 30 days Montpelier 9.60 30 days Pocatello 7.00 15 days Blackfoot 8.20 30 days Idaho Falls 9.50 30 days Market Lake 10.35 30 days Dubois 12.05 30 days Red Rock 15.40 30 days Spencer (Beaver canyon) 12.90 30 days Dillon 16.70 30 days American Falls 8.00 30 days Minidoka 9.00 30 days Shoshone 10.00 30 days Bellevue 12.75 30 days Hailey 13.00 30 days Mountain home 14.50 30 days Nampa 18.25 30 days Boise City 19.00 30 days Caldwell 18.50 30 days Ontario 20.00 30 days Payette 20.25 30 days Weiser 21.00 30 days Huntington 22.50 30 days Baker City, Or 25.20 30 days Spokane, Wash 36.50 30 days Portland, Or 36.50 30 days Pendleton, Or 30.25 30 days Proportionately low rates from points north and south of Salt Lake. Call at Oregon Short Line ticket office for par- ticulars,
View Ad Oregon Short Line Railroad Count: 1 First Date: 1897-09-15 Last Date: 1897-09-15
CONFERENCE RATES Via the Oregon Short Line. To Salt Lake City and return, as fol- lows: From. Rate. Huntington (Or.) $3.30 Idaho- Weiser 22.15 Payete 21.45 Ontario (Or) 21.25 Idaho- Caldwaell 19.70 Boise 20.75 Meridian 19.75 Nampa 19.25 Orchard 17.60 Moun'n Home 16.50 Glenn's Ferry 15.00 Bliss 13.85 Shoshone 12.40 Ketchum 15.90 Hailey 15.75 Bellvuew 15.05 Kimama 10.80 Minidoka 8.50 Amer'n Falls 8.00 Spencer 12.00 Duboi 11.00 Marke Lake 9.00 Idaho Falls 8.50 Blackfoot 7.40 Ross Fork 7.40 Pocatello 7.00 McCammon 5.75 Downey 5.00 Oxford 4.35 Stateline- Cannon 4.00 Preston 4.25 Franklin 4.35 Utah- Richmon 4.25 Smithfield 4.10 Logan 3.80 Mendon 3.55 Cache Junct'n 3.25 Collinston 2.75 Dewey 2.50 Honeyville 2.25 Brigham 2.00 Willard 1.75 Hot Springs 1.50 Wyoming- Granger 9.60 Opal 9.60 Diamondville 9.50 Ham's Fork 9.25 Fossil 9.00 From. Rate. Cokeville $8.75 Idaho— Montpelier 7.75 Soda Springs 7.00 Bancroft 7.00 Utah— Ogden 1.50 Caldwell........+ 19.70|Hooper ........ 1.20 Boiae .........---. 20.) Syracuse June 1,i0 Meridian ......- 19.75|Lavton..e. ee 75 Nampa usec 19,.25/K..yoville ...... 60 Orchard .......+. 17.60; Farmington... 50 Moun ’rHome 16 50}Centerville..... 35 Glern’s Ferry. 15.60} Woods Cross. 25 Blise... ccc 13.8h| Murray ......00 25 Shoshone ...... 12.40|Junection ...... 85 Ketchum........ 15.90)Sandy......-.. 50 Halley ......... 15 75| Draper ........... 70 Bellevue... 15,05) Lehi Junce...... 1.20 Kimama....eee . 10.80) Lehi... 1.25 Minidoka ...... 8 50/Amer’n Fork.. 1.35 ‘Amer’n Falls. 8 00}Pleas’n' Grove 1.50 Spencer... 12 OvulLake View... 1.70 -Duboi ..........6 11.00FProvo wees 1.90 Marke Lake. 9.00 Springvil'e .... 2.10 Idaho Fa ls.... 8.50/Spanish Fork. 2.25 ‘Blackfot ...... 7,.40| Benjamin ...... 2.25 Ross Fork...... 7,25| Payson........... 2.35 ‘Pocatello ...... 7,00/Santaquin ..... 2.35 ‘McCammon ... 5.7 |Mona ......... 2.50 Downey ........ 5.00) Nephi .........00 3.00 Oxford... 0... 4.25 JUAD...... cereeeene 3.25 Stateline— ‘Leamington... 3.90 CannodD ua... 4,00)Oasis ..... ae. 4.50 Preston, ......-. 4.25/Clear Lake...... 4.75 :Franklin........ 4..5 Black Reck... 5,50 Utah— iSmith’s Ranch 6.00 Richmona...... 4.25|Milford ......... 6.00 Smithfield...... 4.10) Fri CO... ce 6.70 Logan .... ...... 3.60 Eureka ......... 3.25 Mendon......... 355/Irenton ......... 3.25 Cache Junev’n 3.25 /Siiver City... 3.20 Collinston ...... 2.75; Mammoth...... 3.25 DOWey...... eee 2.50; Doremne, ...... 3.60 Honeyville..... 2.25 Rush Valley... 2.59 Brigham......... 2 00| Fairfield... 2,25 Willard .......... 1.75|Cedar Fort..... 1,95 Hot Springs... 1.50/Termwinuus ...... 150 Harrisvi le...... 1 50/Tooele ............ 1.25 W yoming— Erda ...........45 1.10 Granger ......... 9.60|Halfw’y House — .95 Opal wo... ceeeeee 9.60;Lake Poin’..... .80 Diamondviille. 9.50/Garfield......... .75 Ham’s Fork... {.25|/Saliair June. — .60 Fossil 0.0.2... 9.00} Chambers. ...... 50 SELLING DATES AND LIMIT. From Ogden, Nephi, Terminus. Kure- ka and ali intermediate points, October 2nd to 6th, inclusive, limit Octo! er 12h. From Harrisville,Cannon and intermedi- ate points, October 2nd 'o 6tb, inclu- sive, limit October 15 bh. From all other sta'ions, Oc ober 2nd to 5th, inclusive, limit October 15, 1897. For special trian service see bills.
View Ad Rio Grande Western Railway Count: 1 First Date: 1898-03-15 Last Date: 1898-03-15
CONFERENCE RATES VIA Rio Grande Western Railway. For the Annual Conference, L. D. S., and Woman’s Conference, L. D. S., at Salt Lake City, April 6th to 9th, inclusive, the usual half rates and arrangements have been put into effect via the Rio Grande Western Railway. TICKETS will be sold on following dates: From Ogden, Park City, Bingham, Springville, Silver City and intermediate points, from April 5th to 9th, inclusive; tickets limited to April 15th, 1898. From all other points April 4th to 8th, inclusive; tickets limited to April 18th, 1898, except Grand Junction, Fruita and Cisco, at which points tickets are on sale only on April 5th, limited to date of sale on going trip, with final limit April 18th.
View Ad Rio Grande Western Railway Count: 1 First Date: 1898-06-01 Last Date: 1898-06-01
THE WOMEN’S MEETING IN DENVER SPECIAL EXCURSION, The women who intend going to Denver for the Federation meeting should by all means use the Rio Grande ‘Western Rail- way. ‘This line in addition to being a home institution with headquarters, shops, etc., in Salt Lake City, presents countless at- tractions in the way of scenery, train service, etc. A delightful trip can be ar- ranged without additional cost by using the Rio Grande Western in connection with it her the standard gauge lines of the Colorado Midland or Denver & Rio Grande R. R. via Glenwood, Leadville, the Royal Gorge or Manitou in one direction and the narrow gauge line of the D. & R. G. by way of the Marshall Pass and the Black Canon in the other. The round trip rate via any combination of the three dis- tinct scenic routes of the R. G. W. Ry. has been fixed at $20.00. Tickets on sale June 19th and 20th. It is expected a large num- ber of the eastern women in attendance at the meeting will take advantage of an ex- cursion to Ogden and Salt Lake City via the Rio Grande Western.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1898-06-01 Last Date: 1898-06-01
UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE WORLD'S PICTORIAL LINE The People’s Favorite. The Great Overland Route, the Union Pacific Railroad, is a strictly “up-to-date” transporta- tion line and offers its patrons unequaled ser- vice. Please bear in mind the following un- disputed facts: That by using the Union Pacific you will save several hours time to all eastern points; therefore the time you save is equal to money earned. The only line east from Utah with dining car service. The only line equipped with buffet smoking and library cars, through Pullman vestibuled palace and tourist sleeping cars, free reclining chair cars with no change to Missouri river and Chicago and only one change to New York. As the lowest rates to all points apply via the Union Pacific why not use it in preference to any other line? Detailed information of every kind relating to railroad and steamship trans- portation will be promptly and cheerfully fur- nished on application to H.M. Clay, General Agent, No. 201 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.
View Ad Oregon Short Line Railroad Count: 6 First Date: 1898-08-01 Last Date: 1898-11-01
OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD (In Effect July 17, 1898. Trains arrive and depart at Salt Lake City daily us follows: ARRIVE From Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Park City and Ogden 3:10 p m From Helena, Butte, Portland, San Francisco. Ogden and intermed- fate points 8:55 a m From San Francisco, Cache Valley Ogden and intermediate points. 7:15 p m From Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis, Kansas City Denver and Ogden 3:10 a m *From Frisco, Milford, Sanpete, Pro- vo, Eureka, Mammoth, Silver City and intermediate points.... 6:20 p m †Mixed train from Terminus, Tooele and Garfield Beach 4:00 p m DEPART. For Chicago, Omaha, Denver, Kan- sas City, St. Louis, Ogden and Park City 7:00 a m For San Francisco, Ogden, Cache Valley and intermediate points. 3:05 a m For Ogden, Denver, Kansas City Omaha, St. Louts, Chicago and intermediate points.............. 6:25 p m For Ogden, Butte, Helena, Portland and San Francisco 3:45 p m *For Mercur, Eureka, Silver City, Provo, Nephi. Sanpete, Milford, Frisco and intermediate points 7:30 a m †Mixed train for Garfield Beach, Tooele and Terminus 7:45 a m *Trains south of Juab run daily except Sunduy. †Daily except Sunday. CITY TICKET OFFICE, UNDER MASONIC HALL, No. 200 West Second South street Telephone No 250. Railroad and Steamship Tickets on sale to all parts of the world. Pullman Palace Car ticket office. D. E. BURLEY, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent 8. W. ECCLES, General Traffic Manager. W. H. BANCROFT, Vice-President and Gen. Manager
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 3 First Date: 1898-09-15 Last Date: 1898-11-01
SWIFT AS THE EAGLE UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE WORLD'S PICTORIAL LINE Denver is one day nearer Chicago to-day than it was yesterday. This is the actual practical effect of the fast mail trains inaugurated by the North-Western and Union Pacific.— Chicago Times Herald, Feb. 8, 1848. “The Chicago Special” Leaves Denver, 4:30 p m today. Arrives Omaha, 7:00 a m tomorrow. Arrives Chicago, 8:45 p m tomorrow. To the Chicago. Union Pacific and North- western belongs the credit of inaugurating the new fast train service between Denver and Chicago. This new train is a triumph of modern rail- roading. It consists of six magnificent cars: Buffet, smoking and library car, with barber shop. etc. Two splendid palace sleeping cars. Reclining chair car. Dining car, meals a la carte. Baggage car. This is the only train between Denver and Chicago having the luxurious ...Buffet, Smoking and Library Cars. Westbound. “The Colorado Special" leaves Chicago 10:00 a m, arrives Omaha 11:55 p m, to- day, and Denver 1:30 p m. tomorrow.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 1 First Date: 1898-12-01 Last Date: 1898-12-01
Only 73 Hours SALT LAKE to NEW YORK. By a recent change in schedule the Overland Limited of the Union Pacific and North-western in connection with the L S & M.S. and N.Y.C & H.R. R.R., now makes the unparalleled time record of only three days to New York. Train leaves Salt Lake 7:00 a. m., Ogden 8:10 a.m. daily, arrives Chi- cago 7:45 a. m. and Grand Central depot, New York City, 10:35 a.m., second and third days respectively. Only one change of cars and twelve hours quickest time. For purchase of tickets and reser- vation of berths, call at the "Old Stand," 201 Main Street, or address H.M. Clay, General Agent.
View Ad Oregon Short Line Railroad Count: 6 First Date: 1899-04-01 Last Date: 1899-06-15
OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MARCH 19, 1899. ARRIVE, From Ogden, Chicago, Omaha, St. Louls, Kansas City and Denver 3:30 a.m. From Ogden, Cache Valley, Portland, Butte and San Francisco 8:55 a.m. From Ogden, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha and Denver 3:05 p.m. From Ogden, Cache Valley and San Francisco 7:20 p.m. **From Frisco, Milford, Sanpete and intermediate points 9:35 a.m. From Tintic, Mercur and intermediate points 6:30 p.m. *From Tooele and Terminus 6.00 p.m. DEPART. For Ogden, Park City, Omaha, Chicago, Denver, Kan- eas City and St. Louis 7.00 a.m. For Ogden, Cache Valley and intermediate points 8:00 a.m. **For Tintic, Mercur and intermediate points 7:30 a.m. For Ogden, Denver, St. Louis, Chicago, San Francisco 6:40 p.m. For Ogden, Butte, Port'and, San Francisco 9:45 a.m. **For Provo, Sanpete, Milford and Frisco 5:30 p.m. *For Tooele and Terminus 7:45 p.m. **Trains south of Juab do not run Sundays *Daily except Sunday. City Ticket Office Under Masonic Hall, Second South Street. S. W. ECCLES, Gen. Traffic Manager. D. E. BURLEY, Gen, P. and T. Agent. W. H. BANCROFT. Vice President and Gen’l Manager.
View Ad Garfield Beach Trains Count: 4 First Date: 1899-07-01 Last Date: 1899-09-01
GARFIELD BEACH. POPULAR BATHING RESORT. OPEN JUNE 22. Boating, Bathing, Dancing. TRAIN SERVICE: LEAVE SALT LAKE. 10 30 a.m. 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. LEAVE GARFIELD. 1:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Round Trip 25c. Depot Cor. First South and Fourth West.
View Ad Union Pacific Count: 18 First Date: 1899-10-15 Last Date: 1900-10-15
UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE WORLD'S PICTORIAL LINE. THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE, Leave Salt Lake City No. 6 The "Fast Mail" for Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City, Denver and Park City 7:00 a.m. No.2 The “Overland Limited” for Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver 11:45 a.m. No. 4 The “Atlantic Express" for Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver 6:40 p.m. Arrive Salt Lake City. No. 5 The "Fast Mail" from Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City, Denver and Park City 3:00 p. m. No. 1 The "Overland Limited" from Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver.... 3:00 p. m. No. 3 The 'Pacific Express" from Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver 3:30 p. m. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 201 Main St. Telephone 665 H. M. CLAY, General Agent.
View Ad Oregon Short Line Railroad Count: 6 First Date: 1899-11-01 Last Date: 1900-01-15
OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD. Time Table in Effect October 15, 1899. Trains will arrive and depart at Salt Lake City daily as foL- lows: ARRIVE: From Ogden, Chicago, Omaha, St. Louis and Denver, 3:30 a.M From Ogden, Portland, Butte, Helena and San Fran- cisco 9:05 a.m. *From Milford, Sanpete, Provo and Intermediate points 9:35 a.n From Ogden, Chicago, St. Louis, Omaha, Denver and San Francisco... 3:00 p.m. **From Garfield Beach, Tooele and Terminus 4:00 p.m. From Tintic and Mercur 6:30 p.m. Cache Valley Express, from Preston, Logan, Ogden and intermediate points 6:40 p.m. From Ogden, Butte, San Francisco and intermediate points 7:50 p.m. DEPART. For Ogden, Omaha, Chicago, Denver, St. Louis and Cache Valley 7:00 a.m. For Tintic and Mercur 7:55 a.m. **For Garfield Beach, Tooele and Terminus 7:45 a.m. For Ogden, Butte, Helena, Portland and intermediate points 9:45 a.m. For Ogden, Omaha, Chicago, Denver, St. Louis and San Francisco 11:45 a.m. *For Provo, Sanpete, Milford and intermeediate points 5:30 p.m. For Ogden, Denver, Omaha, St. Louis and Chicago 6.40 p.m. For Ogden, Butte, San Francisco and intermediate points 8:45 p.m. *Trains south of Juab do not run Sundays. **Daily except Sunday. City Ticket Office Under Masonic Hall, 2nd South St. S. W. ECCLES, Gen. Traffic Manager D. E. BURLEY, Gen. P. nd T. A. W.H. T. BANCROF, Vice-President and Gen’l Manager.
View Ad Oregon Short Line Railroad Count: 26 First Date: 1900-02-15 Last Date: 1902-01-01
The Most Convenient Local Train Service in the State is given by the..... OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD. FIVE Fast Daily Trains Each Way between Salt Lake City and Oqden...,.. See that your tickets read via the “SHORT LINE” And Get the best. CITY TICKET OFFICE for tickets to all points, 100 West Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. S.W. ECCLES, D E. BURLEY, Gen’l Tfc. Mgr. G.P.& T.A
View Ad Oregon Short Line Railroad Count: 1 First Date: 1901-08-01 Last Date: 1901-08-01
EXCURSION NORTH. Saturday, August 24th, 1901. Via the Oregon Short Line, at the following rates: To Limit Days. Brigham $235 15 Collingston 3.15 15 Mendon 3.55 15 Logan 3.50 15 Smithfield 4.10 15 RIchmond 4.25 15 Franklin 4.25 15 Preston 4.50 15 Oxford 4.30 15 McCammon 5.80 15 Bancroft 7.30 30 Soda Springs 8.10 30 Montpelier 9.65 30 Blockfoot 8.20 30 Pocatello 7.00 15 Idaho Falls 9.50 30 Rigby 10.25 30 St. Anothony 11.40 30 To Limit Days. Rexburg $10.85 30 Market Lake 10.35 30 Dubois 12.00 30 Spencer 12.65 30 Am'n Falls 8.00 30 Minidoka 9.00 30 Shoshone 10.00 30 Bellevue 12.75 30 Hailey 13.00 30 Ketchum 13.50 30 Mt. Home 14.50 30 Nampa 18.25 30 Boise City 19.00 30 Caldwell 18.50 30 Ontario 20.00 30 Payette 20.25 30 Weiser 21.00 30 Huntington 22.50 30 Proportionately low rates from other points in Utah. Trains for Cache Valley leave at 7 a. m. For points east of McCammon, 10:50 p. m., and for all other points at 9:45 a. m. ‘and 10:50 p. m. Trains on Wood. River branch will run Sunday, August 25th. City ticket office, 201 Main street.